Dr. Temple Grandin to Speak at Heartbeet!

Sterling College is pleased to bring Dr. Temple Grandin to Heartbeet Lifesharing for a free evening talk for the Northeast Kingdom community while she is in Craftsbury Common teaching at the School of the New American Farmstead. Please join us tonight,
Tuesday June 20, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Heartbeet Lifesharing Community Center in Hardwick, VT for a talk about the pressing issues facing community members with disabilities in a rural, farming culture. While in Vermont, Dr. Grandin will teach a course on Holistic Livestock Husbandry as well as offer a guest lecture in The School of the New American Farmstead course Ethical Slaughter and Butchery. The School of the New American Farmstead provides a variety of workshops, classes, and certifications that will inspire, offer marketable skills, and work to provide new perspectives on integrated, community-centered farming and food production. To learn more about the classes that she is teaching by visiting www.sterlingcollege.edu/snaf

To learn more about Temple Grandin’s talk at Heartbeet, please contact Heartbeet Lifesharing at 802-472-3285 or [email protected]

To learn more about The School of the New American Farmstead and the courses Dr. Grandin is teaching at Sterling College please contact admission@sterlingcollege.edu

*Talk begins at 7pm, doors open at 6:30pm

Summer 2014: A Growing Season

Written by Jessie Barber

The 2014 “growing” season has been just that, in more than one sense of the word.  Currently spanning about one and a half acres and feeding the 45 people who call Heartbeet home, the Heartbeet gardens were bustling with activity and hard work this summer.  Regular workshop crews included as many as eight people, and on many a sunny Sunday afternoon 15-20 community members came out to the fields for weeding parties, complete with lemonade drinking, hose spraying, and of course lots of weed pulling.

Such a high level of community involvement was essential to the vitality and production of the gardens this summer, and was supported by the “Green Thumbs at Work Garden Grant,” which Heartbeet was awarded this past spring.  The grant program, aimed at improving employee health and increasing involvement in the gardens, is a partnership of the Vermont Department of Health, Vermont Community Garden Network, Charlie Nardozzi, and Gardener’s Supply.

From left: Annie Volmer (development coordinator), Jessie Barber (gardener) and Charlie Nardozzi
From left: Annie Volmer (development coordinator), Jessie Barber (gardener) and Charlie Nardozzi

Last week (September 8, 2014), Charlie Nardozzi paid a visit to Heartbeet to see how the gardens were growing, to lend his advice, and to learn how the grant has been supportive.  For this community, receiving the “Green Thumbs at Work” grant allowed the Garden workshop to invest in some much needed tools and supplies, tools and supplies which were put into the hands of the many community members who came together to help grow Heartbeet’s food this summer.  These nutritious vegetables will continue to feed the Heartbeet community into the snowy months of early 2015.

From left: Seneca, Samantha, Lindsey & Chris
From left: Seneca, Samantha, Lindsey & Chris

For more information about the grant program and the Vermont Community Garden Network visit VCGN.

Also, check out Charlie’s current newsletter here.

A World Cup of Self Discovery

Sunday July 13th 2014 proved to be a very important day in the world, particularly in the world of Soccer (which is known worldwide as Football), as Germany was crowned the champions of the 2014 World Cup Final against Argentina.  Some may happen to know what The World Cup is and some may further understand that it is no less than the biggest single-event sporting competition in the world.  I recognize and appreciate the beautiful game of soccer and was fortunate to celebrate this significant event with an extraordinary group of both, past and present, German volunteers of Heartbeet.

It is with each year that Heartbeet welcomes one-year volunteers to Heartbeet. And, It is with each year that all volunteers are provided a unique opportunity for a healthy, safe and nourishing path of self-discovery; a path that leads to new friendships and to an ever growing circle of the Heartbeet family.  An important part of this Heartbeet experience is the presence, the responsibility and the understanding of the intrinsic value that our farm and our animals provide for the nourishment of the individual, the community and the earth.

This is a story of the World Cup, of the Heartbeet volunteers, of the Heartbeet farm and animals and of how all are relevant, appreciated and recognized at Heartbeet.  So it is that Germany won the 2014 World Cup Final. A bull calf was born at Heartbeet on the same day.  Mario Gotze scored the winning goal in the 2014 World Cup Final for Germany.  The Heartbeet bull calf was later named Mario Gotze in honor of this profound and significant co-incidental historical event.

Mario - born on World Cup finals 2014!
Mario – born on World Cup finals 2014!

A BIG Thank You to all Heartbeet Volunteers that ever were…


by Eric Tidblom

Heartbeet Barn Raising

A truly remarkable and important community building experience.

 On Tuesday, July 8th, which was a brilliant picturesque summer morning, everyone in the Heartbeet community gathered to help collectively “raise” a wall for our new barn addition.  The barn wall and addition is harvested timber of rough-cut spruce and fir from the Heartbeet property that was milled on site and completed with the beauty and magnificence of the traditional handcrafted timber framing of a local craftsman/builder and friend, Michael Waring.

 A barn raising was a collective community action, which was particularly common in the 18th and 19th century in rural North America.  A barn was and still is a necessary structure for any farmer, for storage of hay and for the keeping of animals.  Yet a barn is a large and costly structure and a barn raising addressed the need by having members of the community to assist in the building of neighbor’s barns.

and after!
and after!

The barn raising at Heartbeet was a collective effort of the entire community that connected us to the North American ancestral farming traditions and provided an opportunity to recognize our collective community potential.  The barn raising was a confirmation of a truly remarkable and important community building experience. I am thankful to be a part of such an incredible Community.   Again, we welcome anyone and everyone who wish to open a new doorway to discovery: a place of honest work, friendship and understanding and an opportunity to cultivate a genuine love for the Heartbeet Barn…for many years to come!

by Eric Tidblom

Friends and Family Day 2014


Rewind to June 2013, Vermont hasn’t seen this much rain for over 100 years and what seemed like hilarious jokes about building an Ark instead of a community center are taking on a more serious tone every day! My finger crossing about 2014’s weather begin early in the year because even the tent that had offered shelter last year was lost to a gust of wind and I had to make a new plan.

If you’d seen the Machine Shed on Saturday June 28, you wouldn’t have believed the amount of machinery, buckets, wires, wood and random tractor parts that even Eric didn’t recognize that had strewn the floor just a week before, but when you move to community you quickly realize that miracles really can happen. Parker, Sam, Max, Jared and Lindsey can all be thanked for making a wonderful space in which to extend our arms in welcome to family and friends from near and wide.

The Sun shined on us and baked our skins but it was the familiar faces that lit up our eyes and smiles, the stories, the music, the updates on Heartbeet’s non-stop year, for some – the first glimpses of Amber Rose in all its summer glory and visions of hope and expectation at the spot where our community center will stand. We ate like Kings and Queens, the kids swam in the pond, it was a hive of activity and celebration. This is what it’s like to have a family that you can’t count, to be surrounded by love and to really belong to this world, this is community, this is Heartbeet.

So many Thank You’s for everyone that made this happen; Pete Johnson, Patchwork Bakery, Buffalo Mountain Coop, GMR, The Flower Basket & Calkins and all the food donations, same time next year? Bring your umbrellas just in case but mostly just bring yourself!
